The Organization Mobility Conferences of Students and Professors in European Universities


  • Halyna Kozlakova



international cooperation, mobility of students, mobility of professors, cooperation in near board region, common educational programs


Some preconditions of actualisation and realization of one of the Bologna process principles – principal of mobility are represented in this article. An author analyses several actions that had being in European countries (Checkoslovakia, Germany, Netherlands ) in 80–90th years of last century. It was described a participation of Author in mobile science conferences of students and faculty in 2010-th years that were organized by universities of near board towns of Ukraine, Slovakia and Hungary. During these conferences participants had real possibility to visit Technical University in Koshice, Mishkoltsc Technical University, Preshov Pedagogical University, Higher Building School in Plzen so on. To the next years of life all Students and Faculty had got a lot of friends contacts in Europe.
It was shown that during such activity students occupy not only professional competences by their specialties but also foreign language competence and skills of culture communication between representatives of different countries. There are discussed perspectives and possibilities of students and professors mobility in modern conditions of total quarantines. There are formulated some science themes for future science researches in common international projects. In fact the lost of decisions in social and communication problems that connected with European systems of education in conditions of virus Pandemic it was described there too.



How to Cite

Козлакова Г. The Organization Mobility Conferences of Students and Professors in European Universities. НТН [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];(95):113-21. Available from: