Developmental format of feedbeck in the educational interaction process


  • Oksana Shunevych



Feedback, formative evaluation, educational environment, educational interaction


The author investigates the problem of developmental format of feedback between the subjects of educational process. Within the framework of this article the mentioned notion is investigated from the didactic aspect, in particular, as a defi ning component of formative evaluation. From this point of view, feedback is interpreted as an invariant tool of formative evaluation, which allows subjects permanently and promptly get data about how the learning process is going on, inform about achievements and gaps, changes in the state of education applicants in order to determine the level of achievement of a set goal and build further progress of a student.
The author marks out and describes the psychological and communicative, organizational and methodological conditions for providing feedback in a developmental format. The described phenomenon is proposed to be considered as a polymer process, which signals not only of the level of educational achievements, but also of the nature of thought activity, aspects of attitudes, physical senses and emotional states in the learning process.
It is proposed to consider 2 dimensions of feedback: subjective and procedural, which, in turn, contain certain elements that target a teacher and a student on the vectors of refl ection and improvement of the learning process.
The subjective dimension determines the channels of feedback, which are represented by the following subjects: student-teacher; teacher-student; student-classmates; student-parents; teacherparents. The procedural dimension includes various aspects of the analysis of learning activities, taking into account the process (diffi culty and facilitation of its fl ow), the emotional component (situations that caused emotional reactions), the possibility of changing strategies (building the educational and methodological trajectory of subjects), physical sensations (tactile, auditory, visual), educational content (accessibility, relevance of matter), the educational environment (convenience, appropriateness, opportunities for improvement).
The results of the research conducted by the author indicate a positive effect of developmental feedback on the creation of a conscious learning environment. We see the prospect of further research in deepening the content of the feedback, combining it with other tools of formative evaluation.



How to Cite

Шуневич О. Developmental format of feedbeck in the educational interaction process. НТН [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];(95):220-7. Available from: