УДК 378.147:372.878:784 Peculiarities of students’ vocal-choral training in pedagogical colleges in the context of their age peculiarities


  • Lilia Is’kova
  • Antonina Masteruk


pedagogical college, students, vocal and choral training, mutation period, voice protection


The article deals with the problem of vocal-choral training of future music teachers as a component of professional preparation of students in a pedagogical college. It has been found that the profound formation of professional vocal and choral skills of future music teachers begins in the pedagogical colleges in the process of studying the disciplines of the music-pedagogical cycle, as well as in the process of working in choral chapels of homogeneous and mixed composition. It is proved that the problem of influence of individual physiological and age characteristics of students on the formation of their vocal and choral skills, requires special study, since it is a fruitful basis not only for future specialists of musical-auditory experience, but also art-intonational and general-musical knowledge along with performing skills.  The purpose of the article is to analyze age and physiological prerequisites of students of pedagogical colleges for vocal-choral training. The tasks of the article are: the research of the definition of "student", determination of age and physiological features of students of the pedagogical college, delineation of directions of vocal-choral training of future music teachers in the period of mutational changes of the voice apparatus, determination of ways of preservation and protection of voice of future music-teachers of choral teaching. It is proved that the specificity of vocal-choral training of students of pedagogical colleges is determined by the peculiarities of adolescence and the corresponding content of educational activity, including the formation of outlook, ethical and aesthetic views; taking into account the complexity of training and the contradiction between the breadth of information and the depth of its comprehension; consideration of the problem of singing voice development in physiological (mutation period) and psychological-pedagogical (period of internal self-doubt) aspects. Properly organized vocal and choral training, based on taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of adolescents, activates the activity of the voice apparatus, strengthens the vocal cords, and develops a pleasant tone of voice for students of the Teachers College. At the same time, the vocal teacher's task is to provide students with comprehensive assistance, to create a favourable educational environment for successful self-development of students and to solve all problems and difficulties that arise in the process of professional music-pedagogical preparation.

Author Biographies

Lilia Is’kova


Antonina Masteruk




How to Cite

Іськова Л, Мастерук А. УДК 378.147:372.878:784 Peculiarities of students’ vocal-choral training in pedagogical colleges in the context of their age peculiarities. Нові технології навчання [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];1(94):149-53. Available from: http://journal.org.ua/index.php/ntn/article/view/23