Results of participation in the international student olympiads in physics as an indicator of the efficiency of working with gifted youth




international school Olympiads, intellectual abilities, gifted youth, results, efficiency, assessment


The work is devoted to consideration, analysis, generalization and description of how, based on the results of participation in international student Olympiads, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of work with intellectually gifted youth in the relevant field.

Consideration of the problem of the effectiveness of work with gifted youth is related to the search for approaches, methods, criteria, indicators, etc., of qualitative evaluation of effectiveness, which should be based on certain quantitative, that is, formal indicators. Such indicators, on the one hand, should be subject to formal accounting, and on the other hand, should make it possible to evaluate or compare intellectual achievements in all their diversity.

The high results of teams at international intellectual competitions (in particular at international subject Olympiads) are definitely an example and convincing evidence of the responsible and systematic approach of the respective states to work with gifted youth, the formation and implementation of an appropriate effective and progressive educational policy;

The effective development of intellectual abilities is based on the implementation of activities by gifted youth, the performance of which is motivated by social significance, prestige and the need of society for the study and development of fundamental and technical sciences;

Effective work with gifted youth is based on social, economic, scientific-pedagogical and psychological factors, which are closely related to each other.

The concept of the effectiveness of working with gifted youth is very diverse and multifaceted, therefore, at this stage of the research, any list of indicators and assessment criteria will be incomplete, and attempts to make quantitative assessments should be considered preliminary, experimental. Therefore, at the preliminary stages of the research, it is advisable to use methods of expert evaluation of the effectiveness of work with gifted youth as a qualitative method of evaluation.

Since the classical international Olympiads, which are currently the most authoritative and prestigious in the world, do not use test tasks in test form, this, in our opinion, indicates that not all intellectual achievements of the highest level can be assessed using test technologies.

Author Biographies

Borys Kreminskyi, ДНУ «Інститут модернізації змісту освіти»

доктор педагогічних наук, професор, начальник відділу роботи з обдарованою молоддю

Світлана Мистюк, ДНУ «Інститут модернізації змісту освіти»

завідувач сектору відділу роботи з обдарованою молоддю

Oksana Vernydub, ДНУ «Інститут модернізації змісту освіти»

завідувач сектору відділу роботи з обдарованою молоддю

Tetyana Ginetova, ДНУ «Інститут модернізації змісту освіти»

науковий співробітник відділу роботи з обдарованою молоддю



How to Cite

Кремінський Б, Мистюк С, Вернидуб О, Гінетова Т. Results of participation in the international student olympiads in physics as an indicator of the efficiency of working with gifted youth. НТН [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];(97):87-9. Available from: