УДК: 378.01 Pedagogical influence on the development of relationships of empathy and assertiveness by the subjects of educational interaction


  • Olena Kosyhina


empathy, assertiveness, emotional intellect, ability to assertive behavior, effective communication, confident behavior, interpersonal interaction


The article examines the pedagogical influence on the development of personality's capacity for assertive behavior and the relationship of assertiveness with empathic response. Assertiveness is revealed in relation to people, to oneself, in the context of the peculiarities of relationships between people, in the ability to control and regulate their behavior. According to M. Manojlov's classification, assertiveness belongs to the interpersonal component of the structure of emotional intellect being one of the defining features of low level of conflict. Three main components of emotional intellect (empathy, communicative tolerance and assertiveness) are shown as to be able to optimize communication. M. Manojlov emphasizes the paramount importance of assertiveness. The ability to assertiveness implies the ability to reflection, emotional stability, autonomy in decision making. D. Myers states that the main component of assertiveness is self-esteem and respect for other people. People who underestimate themselves tend to underestimate others. That is, assertive behavior must have confidence and a positive attitude. A. Salter distinguishes the following characteristics of confident behavior: emotional language; expressiveness of speech; accepting praise; improvisation as a spontaneous expression of feelings and needs. R. Fritchy defines an assertive person as being responsible for his own behavior, demonstrating respect and self-esteem, a positive personality who is able to listen, understand and try to reach a compromise. The following principles of assertive behavior can be distinguished: taking responsibility for once own behavior, without trying to blame others; demonstrating self-esteem and respect for other people: effective communication based on sincerity, congruence and mutual respect; demonstration of confidence and positive attitude; ability to listen and understand carefully (feedback); negotiations (on the basis of arrangements) and reaching a working compromise. Thus, empathy in most studies is understood as a condition for successful implementation of the process of interpersonal interaction. The secret of successful relationships between people is to use empathy in its constructive, positive, friendly meaning. Empathy is an integral quality of personality. It is interrelated with its individual-typological features (nervous system sensitivity, development of the first signaling system, emotional lability, neuroticism, social type of personality), self-awareness (self-esteem, I-concept) and driving sphere (needs, values, inclination). One of the constituent processes of empathy is empathy understanding, which has its specificity and is considered as a product of socialization of personality, formed in the interaction of affective, cognitive and effective components. For diagnosing the relationship between empathy and assertiveness in the subjects of educational interaction, we propose to use a set of psychodiagnostic techniques: 1. Yakubovsky's test to determine the level of self-confidence. 2. Self-actualization test (L. Ya. Gozman, M.V. Kroz). 3.The test (Questionnaire of the life position of E. Berne) aiming at identifying the basic life positions of the subject. 4. Kettell 16-factor test, determining the inner essence of the personality, its behavior, level of confidence. 5. K. Thomas test (behavior in conflict situation). 6.Assertivity test questionnaire. 7.Test for empathy.

Author Biography

Olena Kosyhina




How to Cite

Косигіна О. УДК: 378.01 Pedagogical influence on the development of relationships of empathy and assertiveness by the subjects of educational interaction. НТН [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];(92):141-8. Available from: http://journal.org.ua/index.php/ntn/article/view/74