УДК 378.093.2/015.3:[78:005.336. Value-personal criteria of professional competence of future music teachers as an object of pedagogical research (on the results of the constitutional experiment)


  • Maya Moroz


music teacher, professional competence, criteria, motivation, professionally significant values, pedagogical experiment


The article covers the results of the study of state formation of professional competence of future music teachers. It is proved that the main task of professional training of the future music teacher is the formation of his professional competence. This will allow the future specialist to be skilled, competitive in the labor market, have the appropriate professional level and be ready for constant professional growth, social and professional mobility. The attention is focused on the study of the value-personal criteria of the professional competence of the future music teacher, whose importance is that this component acts as a leading condition for the professional growth of the student, gives to professional preparation of a pronounced personal character and is a professional factor that encourages the future professional's excellence. The purpose of the article is to analyze the actual state of formation of professional competence of future music teachers according to the value-personal criteria. The goals were achieved through the realization of the set tasks, which envisage the analysis of the results of the survey, the questioning of the students of the pedagogical colleges, who participated in the ascertainment stage of the pedagogical experiment. The study of the value-personal criteria of professional competence allowed us to determine the motivational formation and readiness of students to master their profession of music teacher, students' values, their ability to communicate, the level of formation of personally important qualities required for music-teacher training. It has been proved that in order to improve the quality of professional competence of formation of future music teachers, it is essential to strengthen students' values and motivation, to revive their belief in their own abilities and confidence in future professional self-realization. It is the conscious motivation, conscious understanding of the professional importance of the music teacher that will be the crucial force that will ensure the qualitative and effective formation of the professional competence of future professionals. It is determined that in order to solve the problem of formation of personally important qualities of future music teachers, it is necessary to find the ways to improve the content of professional training of future music teachers and to introduce into the educational process of the pedagogical college of innovative technologies of the formation of professional competence of future specialists.

Author Biography

Maya Moroz




How to Cite

Мороз М. УДК 378.093.2/015.3:[78:005.336. Value-personal criteria of professional competence of future music teachers as an object of pedagogical research (on the results of the constitutional experiment). НТН [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];(92):215-21. Available from: http://journal.org.ua/index.php/ntn/article/view/85