Professional training of a teacher in the conditions of martial law by means of pedagogy of tolerance


  • Nadiia Byrko ХОІППО ім. А. Назаренка



pedagogy of tolerance, tolerance, tolerant personality, «School of tolerance», empathy, stress resistance, tolerant environment


The submitted article highlights the results of the II conceptual-diagnostic stage of the all-Ukrainian level experiment «Scientific-methodological support for the implementation of the author's model «School of Tolerance», the participating pedagogical teams are Lyceum No. 2 of Khmelnytskyi City Council, Gymnasium No. 6 of Shepetiv City Council of Khmelnytsky Region, Building of children's creativity of the Netishyn city council of Khmelnytskyi region. The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the author's model «School of Tolerance».

According to the results of the II stage of the experiment, the participating educational institutions developed a Concept for the implementation of scientific and methodological support of the author's model "School of Tolerance", completed diagnostic methods and programs for determining the effectiveness of the author's model "School of Tolerance", selected, adapted and developed by psychologists of experimental educational institutions diagnostic complexes for identifying the level of tolerant personality and tolerant environment, the heads of educational institutions provided full psychological and pedagogical support for the experiment at the all-Ukrainian level, the participants of the experiment developed a model of the "School of Tolerance" pedagogical system, which takes into account the specific conditions of experimental educational institutions, the categories of participants in the educational process and the current conditions of martial law in Ukraine.

Author Biography

Nadiia Byrko, ХОІППО ім. А. Назаренка

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри менеджменту та освітніх технологій 



How to Cite

Бирко Н. Professional training of a teacher in the conditions of martial law by means of pedagogy of tolerance. НТН [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 8 [cited 2024 Oct. 28];(98):8-15. Available from: