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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is guilty of being original, relevant for foreign and domestic pedagogical science, not published before and not submitted before publication in other languages.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Materials designed in violation of the above requirements for printing will not be accepted.

Author Guidelines


While submitting a manuscript to a journal, authors confirm that it meets all the established requirements listed below. The content of the article must be original, relevant for foreign and domestic pedagogical science, not published by anyone before and not submitted for publication in other publications.

The author(s) are responsible for the content of the article, the reliability of the given facts, the accuracy of citations, dates, etc.

In case that the submitted work does not comply with the listed requirements, significant text or content borrowings are found without proper references, as well as in the case of an unsatisfactory scientific level, the materials will be rejected by the editors.

  • The materials file must be a Microsoft Word document. The file format is .DOC, .DOCX.
  • The text must meet the stylistic and bibliographic requirements set forth in the Guide for Authors of the "About the Journal" section.
  • The materials must be designed in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation from bibliographic references".
  • The submitted article, regardless of the scientific status of the authors, academic degree and rank, must be accompanied by a duly certified review by a doctor of pedagogical sciences who is not a co-author of the work.

The decision to publish an article in the journal is made based on the results of the examination, which has three components:

– originality of submitted materials (text check for plagiarism);

 - compliance of materials with the technical requirements of the publication;

- "blind" review of materials regarding the novelty and scientific level of their content.

The editorial board has the right to edit and shorten submitted materials. Unpublished articles, as well as electronic media and illustrations, are not returned to the author(s).

Requirements for materials submitted for publication and review procedure

The material sent for publication should contain problematic theoretical and practical questions, didactic and methodological developments, proposals for the development of new areas of pedagogical science and new learning technologies, descriptions of the results of specific scientific investigations and other scientific developments, their perspectives correspond to the specialties:

011 – Educational, pedagogical sciences;

013 – Primary education;

014 – Secondary education (by subject specialties);

015 – Professional education (by specialization).

All authors must adhere to the principles of academic integrity and standards set forth in the journal's ethical guidelines. In particular, plagiarism, submission of duplicated texts to different publications is unacceptable, and authors should abuse self-citation and reference to their own publications.

Materials, which scientific content does not correspond to the above-mentioned specialties, are not published in the journal.

The volume of the article should be between 0.5 and 0.8 pr. sheets, (from 20,000 to 32,000 characters), if necessary, an increase in the volume of publication is possible with the consent of the journal editors. Scientific* articles in the specified specialties, are accepted for consideration, have to contain:

1) UDC index; Name, surname of the author, scientific degree, scientific title, position, place of work; ORCID ID, Email;

2) title of the article;

3) abstract of the article, keywords in Ukrainian and English;

4) statement of the problem in its general form and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks;

5) analysis of the main researches and publications concerning the mentioned problem;

6) formulation of the purpose of the article;

7) presentation of the main material with justification of the obtained scientific results;

8) conclusions of the work and prospects for further research in the specified direction;

9) a list of refences and other sources of information, containing no less than 7 and no more than 15 sources (except pedagogical publications of historical direction). The list, if possible, should contain references, in particular to foreign and modern domestic publications;

10) a transliterated list of literature and other sources of information.


*Note: a scientific article is considered to be an article that contains the result of a theoretical or experimental study that makes sense from a scientific point of view and is intended for publication in a scientific publication.

Publishing design of the structural elements of the article

An abstract, as a shortened form of presentation of a scientific text, should be informative, understandable, clearly and logically presented, with a volume of 200–250 words. Mandatory requirements for annotations: information content (without general words); pithiness (must reflect the main content of the article and research results); structure. In the abstract, it is recommended to report new results and data of long-term significance, important discoveries, conclusions that disprove existing theories, as well as data that, in the opinion of the author, have important practical significance.

It is recommended for authors to hire a professional interpreter to translate the title, abstract and keywords into English. The text must be literate.

While typing the main text, you must follow the following general norms and technologies:

Technical parameters: A4 format, margins - 2 cm on all sides. Paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm, interval between paragraphs – 0 cm, width alignment (set in the “Paragraph” dialog box). Font Times New Roman Cyr, 14 point, no hyphens, single line spacing. It is forbidden to format paragraphs with spaces and tabs. It is permissible to highlight characters (text fragments) in bold and italics.

Names of scientists and researchers mentioned in the text should be listed alphabetically: V. Vernadskyi, A. Ioffe, M. Korolev, P. Curie, E. Lenz, E. Rutherford and others. The initials (name) are indicated at the beginning, and then the surname of the scientist.

You should avoid typing text only in capital letters. Pages do not need to be numbered.

Figures and tables should be numbered. Formulas must be typed in the Equation Editor and inserted into the table.

Tables should be created automatically via the "Table - Insert Table" menu and numbered consecutively. To the right above the name of the table, you should place the inscription "Table", indicating its number. The name of the table should be placed in the middle of the page symmetrically to the text, not italicized. All tables must be referenced in the text ("table ...", "in table ...", "see table ...").

For charts and graphs, it's necessary to use different shades of the same color to indicate a gradient of change. References to illustrations in the text should be indicated by indicating their serial number ("fig....", "in fig....", "see fig....").

Put only one space between words.

Distinguish between a dash (–) and a hyphen (-). A hyphen is a sign that connects parts of complex words. While printed, it has the designation of a small horizontal dash (-) and is not separated from words by spaces. A dash is a punctuation mark used to indicate direct speech, pauses, before this (this is), this, then, this (this) means. Dashes in the text must be separated by spaces on both sides.

Do not separate the sign of degrees, minutes, seconds (25°; 5'; 30'') from the previous number.

Separate signs and letters denoting volumes, parts, paragraphs, items, page numbers, etc. from the following number with a non-breaking space (simultaneous pressing of the Ctrl+Shift+Space keys) (Vol. 5; Part 12; § 7; No. 24; P. 125 –132); generally accepted designations of units of measurement from the previous figure (11 pud.; 500 UAH; 25 km; 7 million; 75 thousand).

Separate the initials and surname with a continuous space (T. G. Shevchenko); abbreviations after lists (type, etc.), before names and surnames (named after M.P. Drahomanov), before geographical names (Vinnytsia City, Stari Petrivtsi village, Desna River).

Abbreviations of the 80s type, the 2nd, should be printed through a non-breaking hyphen (simultaneous pressing of Ctrl+Shift+Dhyphen).

Quotation marks must be used in the " " variant.

The apostrophe should look like this ’.

Dates should be hyphenated without spaces. Before abbreviations y., yy., art. it is necessary to put a non-breaking space: 1861, 1945–1947, 15th–18th centuries. If dates are given in parentheses, then "yy." should not be written: (1945–1947).

In combinations denoting decades, dashes with spaces should be placed between dates: 40s - 50s, 1940s - 60s. Years that do not coincide with calendar years should be entered through a slash (2022/ 2023 academic year; 2021/22 budget year).

Time and numerical intervals should be drawn through dashes without spaces (January–February; 125–152).

Author's accents should be italicized or bold, but not underlined. All illustrations, graphs and tables should be placed directly in the text, immediately after the paragraph which the reference to them is contained in (and not at the end of the document). Web links in the text must be accompanied by full, valid URLs.

The references should contain at least 7 and no more than 15 sources. The list, if possible, should contain references, in particular to foreign and modern domestic publications. The name of the list should be highlighted in bold.

The list of references should be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules for compilation from bibliographic references" and placed in alphabetical order.

Indications to references in the text should be submitted according to the model: [5, p. 287], where 5 is the alphabetical number of the source in the list of references, 287 is the page with the corresponding text. Indications to several references at the same time are given as follows: [2; 5; 12] or [3, p. 11; 8, p. 125; 12, p. 471]. Links to archival references - [12, sheet. 217, 227 v.]; If available, include the URL or DOI.

Requirements for the preparation of the Latin transliterated list of used sources "REFERENCES":

the name of the subheading should be highlighted in bold, 11 pt, capital letters, center alignment;

the list of references, drawn up in the language of the article, must be transliterated in Latin or, if the name of the source also has an English name, it must be written in English (width alignment);

if available, indicate the DOI in the web links;

after each link, it is necessary to indicate the original language of the source in brackets, for example (in Ukrainian) or (in English).


Publication materials should be in the following sequence:

UDC index (paragraph with alignment on the left edge in bold);

Information about the author(s): initials and surname of the author/authors (paragraph with alignment on the right edge in bold);

academic title, scientific degree, position (paragraph with alignment on the right edge);

place of work: name of the institution, settlement (if its name is not included in the name of the institution), name of the country for foreign authors (paragraph in brackets with alignment on the right edge);

personal e-mail address (a separate paragraph with alignment on the right edge);

identifier ORCID ID (unified international register of scientists) -;

the title of the article (bold font, paragraph without indentation of the first line, center alignment);

abstract of the article in Ukrainian (italics, paragraph with width alignment) with key words after the abstract from the paragraph;

Names, surnames of authors, title of the article, abstract, keywords in English (designate the elements similarly to those in Ukrainian).

the text of the article according to the indicated structure:

Statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks.

Analysis of the main studies and publications concerning the mentioned problem.

Formulation of the purpose of the article.

Presentation of the main material with justification of the obtained scientific results.

Conclusions of the work and prospects for further research in the defined direction.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.