Problems of formation of personal professional competence of future teachers in the process of professional training




professional competence, socio-cultural situation, competence approach, personal-practical model of training, formation, personal-professional competence, development of motivation


The article raises the problem of professional competence of future teachers, in particular personal professional competence. The concept of "competence" is defined. The current socio-cultural situation in the world is analyzed, which makes it necessary for future teachers to study humanitarian disciplines, a foreign language, which becomes a tool for the multicultural development of the individual who is studying, and promotes self-awareness as a cultural and historical subject. Aspects of the synergistic component of the competence approach to the professional training of the future teacher are analyzed. The necessity for unity of personal, substantive, procedural and effective components of general pedagogical training, ensuring the openness of teacher training to current pedagogical theories and practical ideas, orientation to practical training is emphasized.

The author emphasized the formation of a personal-practical model of training, which is considered based on the unity of educational-cognitive (personally oriented), reflective, educational-game (quasi-professional) activities and personal experience of students. The main attention is paid to the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the personal and professional competence of future teachers, the development of students' learning motivation, their mastery of various types of knowledge and skills, the formation of various educational activities using innovative methods, as a model for the formation of "VUCA-Prime" strategies, the clash of meanings of P. Hakuz , Q-Storming by H. Gregersen, development of speech activity.

Author Biography

Olena Fedortsova, Вінницький гуманітарно-педагогічний коледж

кандидат педагогічних наук, старший викладач кафедри германської та слов’янської філології



How to Cite

Федорцова О. Problems of formation of personal professional competence of future teachers in the process of professional training. НТН [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];(97):152-7. Available from: