УДК 378.032 – 014.6 The results of designing an innovative environment for the professional training of a future elementary school teacher for artistic and educational activities


  • Olha Krasovska


professional training, innovative pedagogical environment, teachers of elementary school, artistic and educational activity


The article examines the features of the innovative environment for the professional training of the future teacher of elementary school to the artistic and educational activities. It is characterized by a number of conditions: the presence of emotionally favorable climate and the relationship of cooperation and co-creation between teachers and students; creating an atmosphere filled with spiritual and educational artistic and artistic content; the formation of the individual and creative style of future professional activity; the introduction of a wide range of organizational forms in combination with innovative educational technologies; updating the material and technical base and teaching and methodological support. The purpose of the article designing the innovational environment for professional training of the future teacher of the primary school to music-educational activity. In the course of the research, we used such methods as analysis and synthesis of psychological, pedagogical, and art sources, studying and generalization of the current state of future preschool teachers professional training in the field of artistic and aesthetic education; analysis, comparison, and classification with the aim of determining the essential characteristics, criteria, and levels of future preschool teachers‟ subject competence in artistic and aesthetic education; pedagogical experiment with farther qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results with the help of Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical criterion. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the training of future teachers of the primary school in the field of arts education on the basis of the application of innovative technologies will be realized through the following activities.

1. Creation of an innovative environment for the training of future primary school teachers for artistic and educational activities aimed at ensuring the self-realization of the personality of the future teacher of elementary school in the field of arts education and based on the development and application of intensive, interactive and informational communication forms and methods of satisfaction in the educational process. his professional-educational and artistic-creative needs.

2. Communicative competence is the organization of communication and collaboration between students, based on the understanding of the said, ability to speak, verbalization and listening. Interactive competence is the ability to organize interactive, effective interaction of students on the basis of innovative technologies; Ability to manage teamwork. Perceptual competence is the ability to teach the right perception of each other, the formation of a favorable first impression and mutual understanding on the emotional and cognitive levels. Igrotechnical competence is a special knowledge and skills from intensive and interactive technologies of game simulation, as well as the design, preparation, conduct and analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of gaming technologies, the use of feedback techniques, summing up, reflection.

3. Creation of material and technical conditions, which involves the use of modern information and communication technologies: audiovisual means, server for storing audiovisual material, electronic media for the transmission and distribution of multimedia material among teachers and students, archive for preserving available materials on electronic media, access to the global Internet network.

4. Update the content of the arts education of future primary school teachers. In order to ensure the training of future teachers of the primary school in the field of arts education, the curriculum includes: “Fine arts with teaching methods in primary school”, “Theory and methods of musical education with the basics of choreography”, “Bachelor” included in the curriculum of higher education. the degree of higher education “Master”, “Methodology of teaching the integrated course “Art”; “Methodology of teaching the educational field “Art”, namely the acquisition of knowledge about the aims and means, plans and programs, modern pedagogical technologies in the field of teaching artistic and aesthetic disciplines for junior pupils and knowledge of the content, forms, methods, teaching technology and organizational principles for constructing an educational process in a higher school.

Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research results lies in the fact that for the first time: on an interdisciplinary level of the theoretic and methodological foundations of professional training of students majoring 013 “Primary education” to the artistic-educational activities as an integral pedagogical system were substantiated; developed the conceptual principles and the structural-functional model of professional training of future primary school teachers in the field of art education by means of innovative technologies; introduced modern approaches to training of future teachers of initial classes

Еxamines the features of the innovative environment for the professional training of the future teacher of elementary school to the artistic and educational activities: the presence of emotionally favorable climate and the relationship of cooperation and co-creation between teachers and students; creating an atmosphere filled with spiritual and educational artistic and artistic content; the formation of the individual and creative style of future professional activity; the introduction of a wide range of organizational forms in combination with innovative educational technologies; updating the material and technical base and teaching and methodological support.

Author Biography

Olha Krasovska




How to Cite

Красовська О. УДК 378.032 – 014.6 The results of designing an innovative environment for the professional training of a future elementary school teacher for artistic and educational activities. НТН [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];(92):155-64. Available from: http://journal.org.ua/index.php/ntn/article/view/76