УДК 37.091.33:811.161.2 Methodology of studying the problem of forming key competences in the Ukrainian language lessons in 10-11 grade students


  • T. Magdich


key competencies, systemic and synergetic approaches, activity, competence, integration approaches, situational, profile, personally oriented approaches


The scientific and pedagogical study of the problem of forming key competencies in senior pupils requires a thorough analysis of the methodological basis of the educational process. In the process of teaching the Ukrainian language students of the 10th-11th grades, the problem of providing comprehensive mastery of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and skills, personal qualities, the formation of substantive and key competencies has matured. In view of this, the above question becomes topical and requires the elucidation of the theoretical, scientific and practical background. The analysis of pedagogical and linguistic-methodological literature, pedagogical experience of teachers and linguists gave the opportunity to select from among a number of approaches to the organization of the educational process of the Ukrainian language those that provide a high level of its optimization in lyceums (specialized educational institutions). This led to the selection of a comprehensive approach to the definition and systematization of methodological strategies for the study of the formation of key competencies, among which the general sciences (systemic, synergistic, integration, activity) and narrowly scientific (personally oriented, situational and competent as the main within the specified problem) are singled out. Each of our scientific approaches characterized by us points to the fundamental principles of studying the problem of key competencies in modern lessons, such as systemicity, synergy, integration, activity, childhood, situationality. Thus, the scientific analysis of the considered methodological strategies of the study of the problem of formation of key competences in the lessons of the Ukrainian language in the 10-11th grade students confirms the need for their complex implementation, gives the opportunity to optimize the effective methods, techniques and means of forming the subject and key competences in high school students. Each of the scientific approaches we characterize points to the fundamental principles of the study of the problem of key competences in modern lessons, namely: systematic, synergistic, integrative, activity, child-centric, situational.

Author Biography

T. Magdich




How to Cite

Магдич Т. УДК 37.091.33:811.161.2 Methodology of studying the problem of forming key competences in the Ukrainian language lessons in 10-11 grade students. НТН [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];(92):182-9. Available from: http://journal.org.ua/index.php/ntn/article/view/80