УДК: 371.13:37.017.4 Increasing stress resistance as a prerequisite for the prevention of stress overload in the teachers


  • Olena Kosygina КЗ «Житомирський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти» Житомирської обласної ради,


types of stress assessments, primary assessment, secondary assessment, stressful event, success of stress management, stress factors, frustration, adaptation process, self-correction, individual psychoprophylaxis programs, stress-resistant and stress-resistant individuals


The article reveals the features of stress overload in teachers, analyzes the impact of stress levels on the ability to overcome extreme situations, to master their own fears. It is noted that the productivity of adaptation processes depends on the level of development of the pedagogical worker of a number of psychological skills, abilities, internal motivation to master self-regulation programs, external facilitation by the reference-significant environment and timely quality psychological intervention. In stressful situations, the problem of the need for self-correction of emotionally tense states and inadequate reactions caused by stress in extreme and crisis situations is actualized. Emphasis is placed on the need to develop individual programs for psychoprophylaxis of the negative effects of adverse events on both mental and physical health of teachers.

Interpreting the data, it should be noted that teachers have a syndrome of professional exhaustion is mainly in the phase of «resistance», which indicates that being permanently under stress due to the characteristics of the exhausting teaching profession, the teacher consciously or intuitively tries to restore a sense of psychological balance, tries to reduce the negative impact of external stressors, restore internal emotional and physical resources. It is comprehensive prevention programs, the conscious desire of teachers to receive psycho-reactionary help from practical psychologists in educational institutions that will help prevent the formation of burnout, occupational deformities and disorders of mental and psychosomatic health.

Author Biography

Olena Kosygina, КЗ «Житомирський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти» Житомирської обласної ради,

кандидат психологічних наук, доцент,
завідувач кафедри педагогіки й андрагогіки



How to Cite

Косигіна О. УДК: 371.13:37.017.4 Increasing stress resistance as a prerequisite for the prevention of stress overload in the teachers. НТН [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 12 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];1(93):118-27. Available from: http://journal.org.ua/index.php/ntn/article/view/107