Formation of national consciousness of students in the process of studying chamber and vocal works in the words of t. Shevchenko in accompany classes


  • Natalia Matvienko



T.G. Shevchenko, music, poetry, song, variety of genres, folk songs, solo songs, romances-landscapes, lyrical-dramatic romances, romances-ballads, solo songs-monologues


The article analyzes the multi-genre palette of poems by the genius Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, which are set to the music of Ukrainian composers and are studied in the discipline “Accompaniment” at the Pedagogical College. An attempt was made to analyze the general and individual features of compositional styles, manners of writing and means of expression, which gave impetus to the development of Ukrainian music. The author emphasizes that the fi ery, patriotic poetry of Taras Shevchenko, full of rebellious ideas, namely the collection “Kobzar” became the basis on which both the literature and the musical art of our people developed to a great extent. The work of the national poet, revolutionary-democrat was an inexhaustible source for Ukrainian musicians in both the eastern and western regions of Ukraine. T. Shevchenko’s genius was stimulated by the hypersensitivity of his nature, strong natural intuition, fi gurative thinking combined with a sense of proportion, which were manifested not only in his poetry, but also in painting, in his own performance of his works and folk songs, which he is very loved who have been relatives since childhood.
It was found out that T. Shevchenko’s Kobzar is a genius phenomenon of world literature, became the object of creative attention of many Ukrainian composers during the poet’s lifetime and had a great infl uence on the development of musical art. A new stage in the history of Ukrainian music begins with the sound of “Kobzar”.
Given the appropriate level of vocal and instrumental training of students majoring in “Musical Art”, it is necessary to differentiate the features of the use of chamber and vocal heritage of Ukrainian composers in the words of Taras Shevchenko in educational practice in classes on
voice and accompaniment. When working on musical material for additional study of inclusion in the curriculum, we propose to use works of different degrees of complexity, from the easiest to the most diffi cult, taking into account the individual approach to creative abilities of students, their intellectual and musical development, level of training and more.



How to Cite

Матвієнко Н. Formation of national consciousness of students in the process of studying chamber and vocal works in the words of t. Shevchenko in accompany classes. НТН [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];(95):148-57. Available from: