УДК 378,147.091.33-027.22:615.15 Training as a method of professionally oriented education


  • Tetiana Zubritska
  • Ludmila Zubritska


training, specialists training of the pharmaceutical sector of health care, professional competence, reflection, interaction


The article reveals a problem of realization of a method of "training" in pharmacology practical classes. The problem of highly qualified, competitive specialists training remains relevant for higher education institutions. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to introduce effective pedagogical technologies, forms and teaching methods. The authors consider that one of the most promising areas of the educational process organization in the higher education institutions is the use of trainings. Special attention is given to the application of training technologies in the process of studying of professionally oriented disciplines. Considering the specific features of the course «Pharmacology» and increasing the amount of information load on the student, there was a need for optimization and systematization of educational material. Training classes serve for working out of specific behavior patterns (models), algorithms of training, subordinate to the direct solution of practical tasks in the profession. The authors believe that through the trainings students are able to self-present their personality, the need for speech activity is formed, developing function that promotes professional self-development is carried out, the conditions for self-realization and creative solution of communicative tasks that arise in the process of communication are created. Obviously, conducting of trainings in the process of training of future specialists of the pharmaceutical sector of  health care provides an opportunity for better learning of theoretical material, mastering new skills and development of previously acquired ones; ability to work in a team, make decisions and be responsible for them; activates mental and cognitive activity; develops skills of interpersonal communication; gives each participant optimal opportunities for personal and professional development.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Zubritska


Ludmila Zubritska




How to Cite

Зубрицька Т, Зубрицька Л. УДК 378,147.091.33-027.22:615.15 Training as a method of professionally oriented education. Нові технології навчання [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 3 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];1(94):143-8. Available from: http://journal.org.ua/index.php/ntn/article/view/22