Critical thinking formation strategies in the context of media education


  • Alexander Voznyuk Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка



critical thinking, media educational process, information revolution, cyber manipulation of individual and mass consciousness, oriental logic of four alternatives


The article substantiates the method of developing critical thinking in the participants of the media education process based on the oriental logic of four alternatives, which appears as an innovative educational resource and reveals a certain scientific novelty.

It is noted that critical thinking, which characterizes a person's personality as a fundamental goal of his/her development and is in the fairway of the formation of creative thinking, in formative and functional aspects, becomes a cornerstone aspect of media education, when a holistic media educational process should be built around the formation and development of critical thinking in the students. A person incapable of critical understanding of reality is characterized by the so-called "bipolar thinking", which means the focus of a person's thinking on maximalism, dogmatism, fragmentation, clustering, clip-likeness, mosaicity of cognition and mastering the reality.

The oriental logic of four alternatives focuses of the epistemological equivalence of all possible approaches to cognizing the reality, when in the sphere of relations between the logical terms of affirmation and negation, preference is given to all four logical alternatives: 1. affirmation; 2. or negation; 3. both at the same time; 4. neither that nor the other. Under such conditions, critical thinking, which must realise the four specified logical alternatives, is understood as creative thinking that involves three cornerstone strategies of cognizing the reality, such as 1) unambiguous deductive-inductive left-hemispheric one, 2) ambiguous transductive right-hemispheric one, 3) paradoxical intuitive-meditative strategy of functional synthesis of the hemispheres.

Author Biography

Alexander Voznyuk, Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка

доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри англійської мови з методиками викладання у дошкільній та початковій освіті



How to Cite

Вознюк О. Critical thinking formation strategies in the context of media education. НТН [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];(97):6-15. Available from: