Мethodical aspects of formation of vocal competence of future teachers of music art


  • Lilia Iskova
  • Antonina Masteruk




music teacher, professional training, vocal competence, vocal skills, voice production


The article is devoted to the research of the problem of competence approach to vocal training of future teachers of music art. It is determined that a characteristic feature of the competence approach to professional training is its focus on assessment, refl ection of participants in the educational process, their capabilities, awareness of their competence and incompetence in
solving professional problems.

Methodical methods of vocal and choral work in the process of educational and extracurricular activities with students of higher education institutions are revealed. It was found that the specifi cs of vocal training of students in the period of information oversaturation of music space requires higher education institutions to develop new approaches to determining the content, forms and methods of vocational training to expand the general musical erudition of students, their focus on music information that would provide deepening of professional knowledge, development of special abilities and skills that will provide formation of vocal competence of students.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the methods and techniques of forming vocal competence of students in the process of professional training in higher education institutions.

It is proved that the process of vocal competence formation occupies a prominent place in the system of professional training of future music teachers to work in educational institutions and involves active formation of students’ musical and aesthetic tastes and development of vocal skills and abilities to evaluate and analyze musical works. vocal and choral. The results of a survey among teachers are presented, on the basis of which conclusions were made about the specifi cs of modern approaches to the formation of vocal competence of future teachers of music.
The author emphasizes the peculiarities of the formation of vocal competence of students, related to the specifi cs of the professional qualities of future music teachers. The complexity and duration of mastering special vocal-performing skills requires teachers to create favorable conditions for the formation of vocal competence of students, which are manifested, including in a thorough approach to the choice of modern artistic and pedagogical technologies aimed at revealing natural creative potential, abilities, talents, talents of students.

The task of voice teachers in higher education is to create in the classroom and in extracurricular activities with students appropriate creative environment, use in their activities a suffi cient arsenal of modern educational technologies that enhance the desire, motivation, interest and desire of students for professional growth.



How to Cite

Іськова Л, Мастерук А. Мethodical aspects of formation of vocal competence of future teachers of music art. НТН [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];(95):74-81. Available from: http://journal.org.ua/index.php/ntn/article/view/207